Fan Art

Due to the copy right laws on art and products created by others I can not sell the art work created based on someone else’s intellectual property, but I can create fan art for my own personal use.

Martian fighting machine blue prints

War of the worlds by H G Wells originally and then the musical by Jeff Wayne. This piece is inspired by the visuals from the musical version. I created it to look like a blue print manual.

This piece was created for someone as a gift I had to work out how to write in Gallifreyan (the doctors peoples language) to have a secret hidden message. It then also has metallic paint that when you move shimmers to represent the time vortex energy.

A ghoul is for life not just for halloween

One of my favourite fan art pieces. This piece is a play on the a dogs not just for Christmas. I used the three dogs from Tim Burtons movies to represent a litter of dogs that are unwanted and have been left.

This one was made especially for my children so they could have all their favourite characters all on one picture together. How many can you name?

Halloween animated movies pumpkin

Pumpkin with animated halloween movies in each segments. I think sometimes there is a certain quality in a completely black and white picture.