Realistic Art

Emerging animals

I enjoy the different challenge that realistic animals have, to try and not just capture their shape and colour but their expression and what they are up to. I like to imagine what they are going to do next.

Nature is a huge inspiration for me, I love to use my art to raise awareness of the beauty of the world around us and why we need it. A local Eco group have used my wild flowers and other art for posters to raise eco issues in our community.

Otter family

This happy little family gathered together to watch the world around them.

Realistic doesn’t always have to be cute animals either. One of my favourite creations is the skull covered in flowers and creatures. All realistic things but together in an unusual way. This was created to represent That we all one day shall return to the earth and become one with it.


This piece is more fish than I would like to count, and took so long to create even with it only being A5 in size.